
NDA Notice: This project is protected by a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Unfortunately, this restricts sharing specific information about the project. This includes details about the type of data, data gathering processes, user information and other proprietary aspects. In spite of these limitations, this case study provides a comprehensive overview of the design process, challenges faced, and the transformative impact of the unified internal tool.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) encountered a significant challenge managing data across different internal processes, each catering to distinct stakeholders. The initial approach involved disparate systems and methodologies, leading to inefficiencies, data inconsistencies, and collaboration challenges.

A person wearing glasses
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‘Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis, as there are a number of data points to consider, so we rely on business analysts to provide advice on the next steps.’


Requires to see high level data in a broader sense in order to make informed decisions

A person with a beard
				Description automatically generated with medium confidence

‘I have a spreadsheet that I update every week. I'll email it to my manager (she can make changes - he'll let me know in Slack), and he'll integrate it with my colleagues' analysis... not sure how they do their spreadsheets.’


Creates a data management nightmare, relying on manual processes that are error prone

Microproblems7 ↴ ↴ ↴
Final Product used in hand

Mockup of Final Product

Proposal & Process

It was proposed to create a tool with multiple modules serving different stakeholder groups. Each module caters to a specific topic while providing data collection, data maintenance through collaboration, and report generation. These are the steps taken to achieve the above:

  1. Examining stakeholders' expectations and requirements for each module following Amazon's "working backwards" approach.
  2. Through user interviews, identified the flaws and benefits of existing data collection, collaborative maintenance, and report generation processes previously used by users.
  3. Developed concepts for navigation of interconnected modules, as well as prototypes for data collection. These drove discussions regarding user needs and usability issues. The results of these discussions were used to create user-centered designs. The designs were implemented and tested by users, leading to improved user experience.
  4. Organizing multiple feedback sessions with module stakeholders and future users.
  5. Adapted AWS's design system to the visual representation.
  6. Interviewed stakeholders and conducted usability studies to gather insights into prototypes.
  7. Iteratively Incorporated feedback to refine the user experience.
  8. Ensured seamless interconnection of modules according to changing requirements.
  9. Wrote user stories for developers based on growing changes and additions
  10. Research the usage
  11. Iterate

Bringing developers into design sessions was crucial for feasibility and understanding MVP stages and evolution. Most of the above activities were repeated over several Sprints.

Documentation on Workshops

Initial workshops to understand project MVP


Ultimately, the newly developed internal tool transformed how AWS handled data. It empowers the management team to make decisions using up-to-date and trustworthy information. The interconnected modules facilitate smooth task transitions, enhancing collaboration. Unlike the previous method with information silos, users can now gather, maintain, and generate reports collaboratively without barriers.

Documentation on Designs

Initial designs for data gathering processes


Due to NDA restrictions, exact figures cannot be shared, however, the improved efficiency of collaboration has resulted in significant cost savings and increased productivity allowed for the following:


There were many challenges in this project, including:


This project required me to work overtime in 3 big hats:

Senior UX Consultant

My role involved orchestrating the unification strategy, collaborating with diverse stakeholders, conducting thorough user research for each module, and overseeing the iterative design process. Bridging the gap between distinct stakeholder requirements and aligning them with AWS's design system was a pivotal aspect of my role.

Account Manager

Played a crucial role in nurturing strong client relationships, coordinating seamless project delivery with internal teams, and ensuring effective communication channels between AWS and Everest Engineering. I was responsible for managing client expectations, overseeing project scopes, and actively seeking account growth opportunities. My role involved balancing client needs, internal team dynamics, and project delivery, which contributed significantly to client satisfaction.

Team leader

Leading a software development project involving six software developers and a business analyst. Prioritized unblocking team members by addressing their difficulties as soon as possible. My goal was to assist each team member in developing their career through tailored guidance, identifying learning opportunities, and encouraging skill development. Over the course of the project, I acted as the primary point of contact for the team in operational matters, maintaining effective communication channels between the team and stakeholders, and maintaining a positive team culture.


From this project I got three main takeaways:

Next Case Study: Videocall App