Who am I?

Several things to be honest, here are a few:

What my team says

Work with great people = create great things.
Here are some excerpts from what my colleagues have said about me:

...Ricardo is a disciplined thinker that sees the greater system, and understands how to move things forward. He understands that the best products come from both research and action, and that the whole team needs to go on the journey together. He's a great team member and team leader...
Craig Brown
...we would have brainstorming sessions focused on collaborating on new features, tackling UX problems, sharing the design vision and exchanging ideas on what was technically feasible...
Mónica Álvarez Vicente
Product Designer | Team Lead
...His expertise building frontend micro-interactions and prototyping is substantial and it helped the team coming up with more efficient solutions and developing different products...
Diana Balzarini
Senior UX Designer
Ricardo excelled as a team lead by actively supporting our team in enhancing consultant soft skills, particularly in presenting our work. Ricardo's design eye, collaborative spirit, and commitment to team dynamics make him an exceptional teammate.
Jag Singh
QA Leader, Test Automation Specialist
...Ricardo is not just about work; he's always ready to help with anything or listen when you need to talk. He’s great at sparking conversations that make everyone feel included and important. I will miss having him around. Any team would be lucky to have Ricardo because he brings out the best in projects and people...
Anwesha Daolagupu
Senior Product Designer
...Ricardo take a very customer and user-centric approach to his work, ensuring that all perspectives are considered and turns around ideas and prototypes very quickly. I'd recommend Ricardo to anyone looking for senior UX and design skills with stakeholder management involved...
Martin Chesbrough
Data Strategist and STS Org Designer
...While I tended to focus more on core skillsets, Ricardo's emphasis on cultural fit and team cohesion was invaluable. His presence truly made a difference. I'm really confident that Ricardo's future colleagues are going to see huge benefits from his skillset, not just as an amazing UX designer, but in the way he leads by example and supports others...
Ankush Gupta
Senior Product Designer
...Ricardo rapidly developed a deep understanding of the project’s purpose and the needs of our customers. Ricardo went on to craft a cohesive and comprehensive design strategy, going beyond the initial briefing while staying cognisant of the project’s resource constraints, which showed exceptional creativity and ingenuity...
Darren Beukes
Senior Engineering Leader
...Ricardo goes beyond design to create strategic human-centric visions that anticipate future market and business needs. What really stands out about him is how much he genuinely cares about his team and clients. It's clear he's not just in it for the work, but for the people...
Pilar Esteban
Director of Product, Design and Collaboration
...He not only successfully contributed to all the projects he worked on, but he also actively participated in improving company processes and mentored colleagues, bringing valuable insights and positivity across Everest...
Irene Mendoza
Director Of Business Operations (Global)
...Ricardo embraces feedback with an open heart and consistently seeks opportunities to create a collaborative work environment. His strategic and pragmatic approach to design is inspiring, enabling him to be truly unique in this field, and making him stand out as a value-driven designer...
Gizem Kurangil
Product Designer
...Ricardo’s contributions went beyond his immediate role, enriching our company culture and making the workplace more vibrant and inclusive. His departure will undoubtedly be felt, but his impact will continue to positively influence our team...
Paul Jenkins
Head of People & Talent
...Ricardo's approach was always thorough and insightful, contributing significantly to the vision of the product and strategy. His ability to blend wisdom with a genuine openness to learning from others made every collaboration a growth opportunity for the entire team...
Sarah Jabari
Senior Product designer
...Ricardo is a gun. A Customer success driven (read obsessed) UX lead. Ricardo has the ability to connect with the right people in the team to help understand what success looks like for them...
Bruce Taylor
Crew Lead
...Ricardo not only excelled in user research but also demonstrated exceptional leadership, fostering a positive team culture while managing client relationships and product roadmap with precision...
Leisa Nilsson
Solutions through innovations
...Ricardo's ability to listen, strategize on the spot and communicate clearly and confidently really helped show our agency's strengths in UX design. As a Senior Manager, I have seen many professionals in action, and Ricardo's approach was notable...
Andrea (Andy) Blundell
Future Focused | DEI
...he is more than just a Senior UX Consultant, but also an exceptional team leader.As a consultant, Ricardo excels at guiding both clients and developers toward a user-centric approach.
Matias Cecchetto
Software Engineer
Ricardo jumped right into project management, building a backlog and defining stories while keeping a product vision. His ability to adapt and see the big picture make him a standout.
Akshay Nakra
Senior Software Developer
Ricardo is unique in the sense that he does not just design for today; he envisions the product's future, creating designs that are scalable, but also five steps ahead.
Michael Prpic-Davey
Front-end Developer
Ricardo is very good at bringing together internal perspectives, user requirements and usability requirements.[...] His positive nature made it very pleasant to find solutions together. Even when internal, political issues influenced the agenda, Ricardo knew how to reconcile and prioritize the different needs well.
Florian Steiner
UX Manager | UX Architect
As a leader, he cultivates collaboration and makes sure the end product is not only meeting but exceeding client expectations. Any project he is involved with is sure to benefit from Ricardo's dedication to his craft and the team he leads.
Qiang(Mark) Wang
Full Stack Developer
...since the first moment what really impressed me it was his energy, his positivity, and the friendly way to work with each person ... we were based in different offices, but in the end, this didn't matter; it felt like we were in the same room....
Aldo Pizzagalli
Senior UX Designer
...preparing dozens of Design System Product Releases. The whole process was straightforward due to Ricardo's efficiency, technical understanding, and clear communication....
Dirk Göhmann
Technical Writer
...His UX and UI know-how made him a super valuable asset plus he always kept a great sense of humour and lively energy while keeping fully focused on the current challenges....
Ursin Hüppin
Practice Lead
...He cans handle complex implementations and has the ability to interact directly with the client in an exceptional way reaching good results in a short time. I had the pleasure to work with him on the field and his impact on the project was immediately visible....
Paolo Porro
IT Project Manager
I led on of the first projects to use Appway's new Design System: this wouldn't be possible without the help of Ricardo. In the beginning, we were all learning about this new product and we had many unknowns ahead. Ricardo managed to establish a bridge of collaboration that enabled the project to become a success. His transparency, knowhow and efficiency made him a 'valuable resource' for projects.
Steffen Rodig
Senior Engagement Lead, Practice Lead
Like any other massively complex product, Appway's Design System had bugs and issues (even if not so many due to the quality of the Product) - Ricardo was the go-to person to fix them. Thanks to his communication skills, that allowed him to communicate issues promptly & effectively while maintaining a great sense of humor and his problem solving mindset, working with Ricardo has been a pleasure.
Dario Defilippi
Support Lead
...Ricardo goes beyond design to create strategic human-centric visions that anticipate future market and business needs. What really stands out about him is how much he genuinely cares about his team and clients. It's clear he's not just in it for the work, but for the people...
Pilar Esteban
Director of Product, Design and Collaboration
...Overall Ricardo takes up new challenges with ease, is always keen to help achieve company outcomes and to learn new things, and has a talent for creating an environment where everyone is comfortable. I am convinced he’ll achieve great success on his professional trajectory.
Adriana Ispas
Head of Product Managment
We catered to hundreds of editors and dozens of stakeholders... Ricardo mastered communications with this vast community, from assisting re-reading direct written communication up to creating and leading presentations keeping the audience engaged.
Cath Soriano
Web Platforms Manager at Hitachi Energy
... 4 months’ time of intensive co-creation workshops, requirements engineering, prototyping, design, and implementation.Ricardo is an out-of-the-box thinker with a goal-getting attitude and a social heart. Always open to feedback, setting the right priorities and fostering a comfortable non-hierarchical environment...
Kevin Hansen
Digital Leader | Change Manager
Ricardo did the User Research on the existing solution and brought together, analyzed, and supported on prioritizing the input from stakeholders... it was impressive how Ricardo was able to detect opportunities and obstacles based on the project's wireframes.
Malgorzata Chmielewska
Communications Expert
Our collaboration focused on the User Research and leveraging the data that is available through Google Analytics and usage of Crazy Egg on behavioral analytics to support initiatives that needed User Research.
Krista Victorio
Senior Digital Communications and Marketing Specialist at Hitachi Energy
The passionate nature of his work ensures that everyone in the team has a voice and is able to contribute their ideas.[...] He not only brought good ideas and knowledge but made everyone around him better in their jobs.
Pablo Collado Salmerón
Global Web and Intranet Manager at Hitachi Energy
... great colleague to work with. Despite his long-term vision, he is always on the lookout for new ideas and open for fruitful discussions...
Julia Sophie Göttlich
Digital Regional Coordinator
A product visionary and UX Research specialist, he focuses on making sure that the product is crafted with the user in mind. I appreciate his excellent communication skills and his transparency.
Mayank Dubey
Agile Digital Marketing
In terms of his consulting skills, Ricardo excels at facilitating communication among stakeholders. Identified conflict areas and dealt with them tactfully. Our team greatly benefited from Ricardo's strategic thinking. He always thought about the bigger picture, understood our business goals, and made design decisions that aligned with them.
Ivette Miglis
Senior Business Analyst
Working with Ricardo is completely different.
.. e able to turn around an impressive redesign of the Berst.io interface in just 4 weeks... If you are looking for a Designer who can balance amazing design with implementation feasibility, I can't recommend Ricardo enough.
Peter Lee
Founder & Agile Consultant
...Ricardo UX and Frontend's knowledge were always at a glance for me and my team at Marketing. Together we founded the Appway Yoga Club, Appway Pasta Lunch Team, random after-office Apéros, and organized Appway's SOLA relay team race for 2 years....
Scherezade Borges
Marketing Consultant
...I was impressed with Ricardo’s ability to turn static mockups into interactive screens, bringing an idea further, and ensuring its feasibility. And, of course, his good spirit and sense of humour makes Ricardo an enrichment to any team. Ricardo would be a true asset for any positions requiring the prototyping of design ideas, as well as serving a team as scrum master.
Nico Dreher
Digital Product Designer
...He was of great support for the Design System, but was as well one step into the vision of the company and would take design decisions knowing what was coming ahead. I'll be missing to collaborate with this versatile problem-solver and entertaining conversationalist.
Martin Blum
Senior UX Consultant
... always eager to learn something new and getting out of your comfort zone. Cherry on top, you are always so happy and positive about everything, making work always enjoyable...
Emily Meroni
Frontend Developer
Ang Li
Web Developer
Ricardo is the UI/UX problem-fixer, always very analytical, he always find solutions to User Interface problems and brings new ideas to the table...
Alberto Gallo
Presales Manager
...Ricardo was the first contact person that came to mind when a client required support regarding UX or UI. On many projects, he would rapidly step in and provide insights and expertise on the issue at hand, ... Either creating something new for a specific use case, advsing on how to use specific solutions, fixing bugs and adapting existing solutions, or reviewing the work from third-party developers, he's the go-to person for a solution delivered with a smile!...
Raphaël Baecher
Engagement Lead
I was Ricardo's teamhead for several months - Ricardo helped keeping the team together with his enthusiam and joyfull manner. Before being his teamleader I collaborated a lot with Ricardo on a project called Inbox: There he was a vital key for UX and Component architecture. During this period Ricardo was always a message away ready to help!...
Ivo Pescia
IT Officer / Senior Software Developer
For more than 4 years my day in the office started with Ricardo giving me a good morning or a "Morgen!!" with an almost permanent smile. Even though we did not work on the same team, I could see he did great regarding frontend work mostly finding solutions to complex problems on Appway's Workspace.
Mariza Metaxa
Senior Front End Engineer
As a third party consultant it is very hard to get along with someone as well as I did with Ricardo. We worked together (remotley) on the creation of Appway's Design System and he was of great support once I started working outside of his team. I look forward to working with him again!
Benjamin Grenier
Consultant en informatique
...For a backend developer he was a great companion, since he could design and develop the frontend on-the-fly while I provided him the backend limitations. I highly trusted him when it came to UX Interactions and building responsive frontends! Wish him the best in his career! in bocca al lupo!
Giacomo Porro
Software Engineer
Ricardo's knowledge in UX, design and frontend make him the best sidekick a designer could have. When I started as an Intern, Ricardo was super helpful explaining Appway's frontend and how far my designs could go. Later when I started in my permanent position, we worked together documenting the Design System and we managed a lot of work with great ease...
Katalin Holanyi
Visual and Interaction designer
 For several months, Ricardo was a key team member for the evolution of an in-house-built ERP called Wire. For many years this product relied on an outdated User Interface and was built no plan for User Experience. Ricardo was involved in the revamp this product: starting with the Information Architecture analysis, Design System adoption, and gradual transition from the old UI to the new one.
Patrick Joye
Senior Product Manager
...Even if we worked remotely, he would make sure I felt part of the local team working on frontend topics for Appway. Collaborating with him was nice and he could always help even if he wasn't working on the same project I was...
Julien Munch
Software Engineer
...I had the pleasure of joining him on the Workspace team where it was a true pleasure to be supported by him, this time playing the SCRUM master role. His daily morning calls would spark your day and his Retrospectives were epic!...
Jacopo Mossina
Front End Engineer
....Together we set up cross-browser automated testing for the Design System to track UI changes across versions, saving hundredths of man-hours in testing. I believe this tool is still used today! With his talents and always positive attitude I believe he will be a crucial addition to any team!...
Alessio Lo Re
IT Project Manager
...His work on creating the architecture for the Appway Design System was immaculate, and he often managed to achieve outcomes that other people thought weren't possible...
Lukas Mathis
UX Lead
...Especially on time-sensitive and lean projects Ricardo is the perfect fit to create amazing user experiences in an efficient way, covering the complete UX mindset in one person...
Sonja Hamann
Head of User Experience
Ricardo was very skilled in activities that required us to coordinate information gathering from a large group of people, user interface topics and establish transparent communication between the Business Stakeholders and IT.
Sebastian Wieczorek
Business Analyst via Avenga
He was my first point of contact for support related to the website & intranet; always eager to help, responsive on issues and keeping transparency on the global communications projects.
Bror-Emil Karlsson
Employer Branding and Internal Communication
Ricardo is the kind of person who would be straight into the topic yet ask you 'how you are doing?' and care for his teammates.
Josh Magtibay
Web Development Consultant
...he revamped the design for TEDxZurich's homepage, updated its video gallery, and worked on multiple content/rebranding changes during the year. He was always happy to support the team and was an energetic and spirited collaborator...
Christina Haupt
Director TEDxZurich
Ricardo was always attentive to support on issues and kept us updated for new projects... always with a positive attitude and responsive on enquiries and next steps. Lykke til Ricardo!
Therese Sæbø Ven
Communications Analyst
His job as a mediator between users, content publishers and website stakeholders helped us receive the right information, resolve issues efficiently and set the right priorities to our work... his overall presence positively impacted the company and my individual experience working there.
Princi Jain
Senior Consultant at Deloitte
Ricardo conducted several workshops and coordinated the content gathering for this initiative: the result was a unified approach for almost 300 Case Studies across 5+ Business Units of the company.
Ottavia Asaro
Digital Communications Specialist
He was always willing to assist in bringing UX insights and projects to the table and essentially kept the global communications initiatives clear.. Ricardo had such a pleasant attitude and sought him out when I had problems or concerns!
Collin Noronha
Internal Communications Professional
Ricardo was of great value in the Solutions Sales team! As a hands-on UI/UX expert he was able to both effectively engage with prospects consulting them on their requirements, and provide concrete, visually appealing solutions.
Giorgio Luparia
Ricardo was constantly helping the team moving forward with global projects that enhanced User Experience, and he always kept the ball rolling to ensure a smooth workflow and communication campaigns execution.
Alessandro De Socio
Digital Marketing Lead
...I was impressed by Ricardo's ability to deal with Appway frontend & Design System issues, building multiple products while managing the quality of work of third-party developers – effortlessly...plus he would always do it with a smile....
Andrea Pellegatta
Senior Product Engineer
...I was amazed by the energy and passion Ricardo put in his work. He was able to efficiently drive and perform in full autonomy the work (from to UX design to development), the release process and the documentation activities....
Paolo Lischetti
Project Manager
...Any software engineer would enjoy having someone with his mix of skills, since he can grab a backend-focused POC and improve it visually by designing and coding an appealing frontend...
Giuliano Sofi
Software Engineer
...Ricardo’s user experience and frontend skills where exceptionally handy for the development of the “Bugs reporting” section, blogposts pages and general responsiveness of the entire site. As a Product Owner I felt lucky to have someone as trustworthy to take care of the frontend of such a complex project....
Ignasi García Perez
Happy Kid
...His know-how in both frontend and UX where exceptional. Even working remotely, Ricardo established a transparent communication channel that helped up build great Frontend for products.
Mario Ballario
Operations Director
I saw Ricardo plan the information architecture & user flow of a Banking App POC in less than 3 days: all of it coming from the workflow of a Excel spreadsheet! After that he was able to built the Front-end of the same application and made sure that the UI was spotless for the Demo. His attention to detail made sure that stakeholders didn't require to check his work and his contagious energy helped the team going...
Igor Djurdjevic
Risk Control
...Inbox, where he clearly went the extra mile and was very passionate about delivering high quality. Without his significant contribution, the product would not be where it is today. Beyond that, Ricardo has shown strong skills in driving and owning topics in developing Appways’ Design System. He is very reliable and highly valued in the company way beyond his impressive front end skills.
Aurelian Briner
CEO and Entrepreneur
...Ricardo is very professional, innovative and always looking for new solutions and fresh ideas that can advance his knowledge and help to produce high quality websites and other design materials. While working with him I witnessed his growth as a co-worker and a friend. Ric is a fun person to work with, and is always helpful and insightful...
Val Shapiro
Design Lead
...With the projects we were working on, I knew Ric would get the job done and the standard of his work was very high. Ric is a great team man, always enthusiastic and supportive particularly with new members of staff and I have no hesitation in recommending him.
Charlie Inglefield
Freelance Journalist and author
J'ai eu le plaisir de travailler avec Ricardo. Pendant mes trois premiers mois chez Media Frontier, j'ai appris à le connaître malgré le peu de temps que nous avons été amené à collaborer ensemble. C'est un garçon plein de sympathie qui à le contacte humain facile et il aime pousser ses collègues à donner le meilleur d'eux-mêmes. C'est pour cela que c'est avec plaisir que je le recommande à ses futurs employeurs.
Kevin Thomas
Graphic Designer
...Ricardo reached me out on a beta stage and started all the research related to the UX for this feature. After few weeks, together with the actual implementation, we were able to deliver also a programmer guide about how to customise notifications, in a user-friendly way...
Michele Marchetti
Senior Mobile SW Engineer iOS/Android
...Ricardo also produced solid marketing materials for the agency. Attitude wise, Ricardo has a positive attitude and you can rely on him once heavy work is needed. I would recommend Ricardo for any job that requires: technical project management and development, with a touch of design.
Berenice Albertini
Web designer
...He is very focused on his goals and pursues them with passion. Ricardo is a pleasure to work with because of his energetic and always positive attitude. He is a careful listener and a strategic thinker that approaches each project on an individual basis carefully analysing requirements before providing strategic solutions...
Ania Wilson
Marketing Coordinator
...His ability to anticipate user needs at the start of a project has ensured really efficient development, and his enthusiasm is infectious! His understanding of how design, project and account management teams work makes him a great team player...
Ellie Mosley
Project Manager
 Ricardo has been a tremendous asset on one of our tactical projects, we where facing a tough situation with a client and Ricardo managed to step in with minimum context with great confidence. The result was that we gained a significant acceleration and ensured project success.
Laurent-Olivier Perrier
Engagement Leader
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To read all 50+ recomendationsGo to LinkedIn

My Experience

✷ Since 2014 ✷

Expanded my experience working for amazing organizations for more than a decade.
Roles are listed with corresponding reference.

Senior User Experience Designer
Sep 2022 – Present
Melbourne, Australia
Global Communications User Experience and Web Integrations Specialist
Sep 2020 – Aug 2022
Zurich, Switzerland Reference
Sales User Experience Consultant
Mar 2020 – Aug 2020
Zurich, Switzerland Reference
User Experience Engineer (Lead)
Jan 2018 – Mar 2020
Zurich, Switzerland Reference
Client User Experience Consultant
Mar 2016 – Feb 2018
Zurich, Switzerland Reference
User Experience Consultant
Mar 2019 – Apr 2020
Zürich, Switzerland
Front End Developer
May 2014 – Feb 2016
Geneva, Switzerland Reference
Junior Technology Consultant
May 2014 – Sep 2014
Geneva, Switzerland Reference
Marketing Consultant Internship
Feb 2014 – Apr 2014
Caracas, Venezuela Reference
To read in-detail description of each position       Go to LinkedIn View my CV

Rooted in 3 Skills

Define how I work:



em·​pa·​thy \ ˈem-pə-thē \

Empathy is the cornerstone of my design philosophy. It involves the profound ability to immerse oneself in the world of end users, understanding not just their needs but their feelings, motivations, and challenges. To me, empathy is not just a starting point; it's a continuous journey throughout the design process. By truly grasping the emotional landscape of users, I can craft products that resonate on a deep, human level and provide authentic solutions that enhance their lives.



com·​mu·​ni·​ca·​tion \ ˈkə-ˌmyü-nə-ˈkā-shən \

Effective communication is the bridge that connects ideas, people, and progress in any design endeavor. I prioritize the art of articulating concepts clearly, substantiating design decisions, and fostering open channels of exchange among multidisciplinary teams. But communication is not just about speaking; it's about listening attentively. I consider the power of two-way dialogue to be the catalyst for innovation, enabling me to collaborate, adapt, and continually enhance the quality of our products.



col·​lab·​o·​ra·​tion \ ˈkə-​ˌla-​bə-​ˈrā-​shən \

The saying, "It takes a village," resonates deeply with my approach to design. I embrace collaboration as a dynamic process where diverse talents, perspectives, and expertise converge to create something greater than the sum of its parts. It's not just about giving and receiving feedback but about harnessing collective knowledge to explore innovative solutions. In aim to create a collaborative environment, every voice is heard, and every perspective is valued, ensuring that the end product is not just functional, but truly exceptional.


① Start with People ② Data over intuition ③ Time is priceless ④ Be kind ⑤ Trust the process ⑥ Jazz through complexity ⑦ Aim for simple

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